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Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSP
  • Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSPPulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSP

Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSP

LICHUAN® Txinako Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSP fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile ospetsuetako bat da. Gure fabrika Pulase Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver-en fabrikazioan espezializatuta dago. Ongi etorri Pulase Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver LICHUAN®-tik erostera. Bezeroen eskaera bakoitza 24 orduko epean erantzuten ari da.

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LICHUAN®-k ongi etorria ematen dizu gure fabrikako Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSP handizkara. Gure produktuak CE ziurtagiria dute eta gaur egun fabrikako inbentario kopuru handia dute. Zerbitzu ona eta fabrikako prezio deskontuak eskainiko dizkizugu

Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver Sarrera

The low-voltage servo drives of DS series are low-voltage servo products developed based on the latest generation 32-bit DSP chips and combined with our company's years of experience in servo motion control, including pulse type, CANopen bus type and RS485 bus type products controlled with three kinds of modes, respectively. This manual mainly introduces pulse type drives. This drive can support specs from 100W to 750W. The encoder is a 2500-line incremental low-voltage servo motor powered by a low-voltage DC supply. External braking resistors can be connected. It also supports pulse+direction and dual-pulse input control thanks to its high overload capacity, low noise and quick response, etc.

Pulase Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver zehaztapena

Motor parekatua 100W 200W 400W 750W
Kodetzailea 2500 lerroko gehikuntzak
Hornidura-tentsioa 24V-50V 24V-50V 24V-50V 24V-80V
Irteera Korrontea Baloratua
5A 7a 10A 20A
Gehienezkoa 15A 21A 30A 57A
Unitatearen tamaina (mm)
134* 83* 33 168*100*36
Gidatzearen pisua (kg) 0.35 0.7

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Hot Tags: Pulse Control Series DC Servo Motor Driver DSP, Txina, fabrikatzaileak, hornitzaileak, fabrika, pertsonalizatua, Txinan egindakoa, merkea, CE, iraunkorra, kalitatea
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